Checking In

Well, it’s only been five years since my most recent post! That’s actually less than I had thought it would be. Plenty has been going on in the intervening five years, both personally and project-wise. Many hobby game projects have been started (and paused, of course). Multiple job changes, a stint living the dream at my own company, a new house, a new family member, and all the small details in between. There’s plenty of historical content to post about and lots of projects on the horizon, but free time is not in abundant supply right now.

This post is just to get the wheels turning by putting something up here. If time allows I may pull from some past things, but there will also be plenty to post about with projects on the house.

Random fact: The notebook icon is a model of a Kanso Noto dot matrix notebook from Jetpens. It’s my go-to project notebook for anything that becomes a major project, and I still prefer hand-written notes for most programming work.

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